Core Java Basic
- Introduction to Java Technologies
- JDK Setup and programming
- Programming, Compiling and Execution of Java programming
- Details of main() of a stand-alone Java program
- Data Types
- Operators – Unary and ternary
- Variables – Local, Instance and Class
- Loop functionalities
- Arrays
Object Oriented Programming through Java
- Class and Objects
- Method and Constructors
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance, Inheritance Type and its implementing by programming
- Super and Sub classes
- Abstract classes and methods
- Method/Constructors Overloading and Overriding
- Polymorphism – Static and Dynamic, Static vs Dynamic Binding
- Interfaces and its implementations, Interface vs Abstract class
- Packages
- String Handling
Core Java Advance
- Errors and Exceptions
- Exceptions Handling
- Garbage Collection
- Input and Output Streams
- File Handling and Object Serialization
- Thread, Multithreading and its useability
- Synchronization and Deadlock
- Access Modifiers – public, private, protected and default
- Inner and Nested Class
- Collection Framework and its implementations
Database Connection
- Introduction of Database and JDBC
- DDL, DML, DQL, Primary Key, Foreign Key and Unique Key
- Type of Database and its connections
- Database Programming
- Database Query, Statements and Resultset
Advance Java
- Introduction of Advance Java and its usages
- Web application Architecture
- Http Protocol, GET and POST Request
- Web Server & Web Container
- Servlet and its Life Cycle
- Servlet Config and Servlet Context
- HTTP Session, Cookies and URL-Rewriting
- Listeners
- JSP and its Life Cycle
- JSP Scripting Tags
- JSP Implicit Objects
Spring Boot
- Introduction of Spring Boot and its usages
- IDE and software setup
- Spring Boot development tools
- Spring Boot Environment for development, testing and production
- Application deployment on Spring Boot
Spring Data JPA
- Introduction and its usages
- Entity Mapping and implementation
- JPA Query
Spring Security
- Security Setup
- Credentials and Password encoding
- Reading Credentials from DB
- Authorization Basics